The Power of 8
Hello beautiful! Are you ready to welcome miracles into your life? This can be achieved by forming a Power of Eight group and focusing on positive intentions for healing, documented and proven in the The Power of Eight written by Lynne McTaggart. Participate in the group to begin healing family & friends, and yourself as well!
If you’d like to learn the process for Power of 8 group healings, you’ve come to the right place! Jen & Pollyanna will be your guides, as the group sends healing intentions to a recipient each week. Join us and learn the process, only thing you need is to have a loving, positive intention for healing.
If you or someone you know is requesting healing, they can submit their request below.
Are you ready to tap into your extraordinary human capacity for healing, using the miraculous power of group intention?
The Power of 8
If you would like to be a Power of 8 group member, fill out your name, contact info and select the box and we’ll be in contact with you for next steps. If you are requesting healing, please fill out the entire form! Abundant blessings to all!
Our Gift To You, download
“The Powering Up Process”
Join Jen & Pollyanna every Wednesday at 5pm EST, as they discuss a chapter each week from The Power of Eight book. Streaming live on Youtube at these each of these channels:
DISCLAIMER: You consent to receive long distance healing intentions and understand that these weekly Power of 8 group sessions do not replace or override professional medical advice in any way, shape, or form. Consulting with your doctor about any changes in your health status before terminating any medical care previously provided is strongly advised. The parties involved in the Power of 8 Healing Intention group are not held personally or professionally liable for any choices made outside of seeking the appropriate medical advice should changes in health status or the lack thereof occur. As the recipient of said healing intentions, it is clearly understood that as the recipient you are responsible for adhering to these guidelines and your choice therein to participate in the 4-week long distance Power of 8 group Healing Intention sessions and the consequences as a result. You also consent to identify yourself accurately and your request for healing in a way that in no way misrepresents or omits the truth of your personal identity and health condition therein.